The story of Attack on Titan revolves around the adventures of Eren Yeager who lives in the town of Shinganshina. ... In the ensuing battle, Eren appears to have been killed when he sacrificed himself to save Armin from being eaten by a bearded Titan.
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He lost his mom to titans and dad disappeared. He has a buring rage to kill all titans, but later on the battle field he found out something about himself. He's a titan himself.
Eren is an interesting character with an extremely interesting back story. His love for the outside world connects with everyone's inner self as everyone loves the feeling of being free and not confined just like Eren does.
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Before joining the Yeager family, Mikasa appeared to be a cheerful, outgoing, and gentle child. Her innocence allowed her to push worrying thoughts to the back of her mind, continuing to happily live with her parents and loved ones. Growing up, Mikasa has become emotionally withdrawn and noticeably serious, sometimes intimidating her enemies or even her comrades. She is quite stoic and level-headed, rarely seen to lose her cool or be at a loss of what to do, no matter how bleak the situation seems to be. Her will is remarkably strong, managing to remain so outwardly calm when Eren apparently died that only Armin could tell that she was battling with the pain of losing him.
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